I believe, based on the information available at this point, that Professor Gates ran head-on into Authority and, like many of his ilk, black or white, in Academe, he found it not to his liking. I am not fond of authority either but when someone armed with a badge and a gun starts talking to me I listen carefully and respond equally so. After the meeting it can all be sorted out as to whom is the Alpha Male.
Professor Gates was not used to being gainsaid, certainly not by some young, white male that he would associate with the students in his classes. And, since he is deeply involved in racial problems he would be more inclined to believe he was being racially profiled. A shame, really, but he, as the better educated, older, male should have kept his head and not challenged the officer.
Consider this: You are at the airport Security desk and the TSA officer, armed and snotty, needs to be taken down a peg which you do. Do you think he will then courteously escort you to your departure gate or the airport cell?
Finally, our President, in his orotund tones, tells us the police acted stupidly. Always on the stump, Obama has now put the Office of the President into play. Talk about authority figures! Once a community organizer, always a community organizer. I can hear it now, in his thoughts: "Off the pigs!"
And wouldn't it be nice if the Professor was so well known in his neighborhood that the good neighbor would have recognized him and NOT reported a break-in but rather would have gone over to help.
All in all not a good day for the police, Academe in general, neighborly friendships and certainly not a good spot for the Prez.

Professor Gates was not used to being gainsaid, certainly not by some young, white male that he would associate with the students in his classes. And, since he is deeply involved in racial problems he would be more inclined to believe he was being racially profiled. A shame, really, but he, as the better educated, older, male should have kept his head and not challenged the officer.
Consider this: You are at the airport Security desk and the TSA officer, armed and snotty, needs to be taken down a peg which you do. Do you think he will then courteously escort you to your departure gate or the airport cell?
Finally, our President, in his orotund tones, tells us the police acted stupidly. Always on the stump, Obama has now put the Office of the President into play. Talk about authority figures! Once a community organizer, always a community organizer. I can hear it now, in his thoughts: "Off the pigs!"
And wouldn't it be nice if the Professor was so well known in his neighborhood that the good neighbor would have recognized him and NOT reported a break-in but rather would have gone over to help.
All in all not a good day for the police, Academe in general, neighborly friendships and certainly not a good spot for the Prez.